Client: NSW Health Infrastructure / Property NSW
The Master Plan
Ason Group has assisted throughout the St Leonards Health Organisation Relocation (SHOR) project, located within the Royal North Shore Hospital Precinct. The project was a State Significant Development and approval was therefore provided by the Department of Planning, Industry and Environment.
The SHOR project, which is nearing completion, provides for:
29,335m2 of health-related commercial uses GFA.
242m2 of Net Leasable Area of ancillary café floor space.
109-place child care centre.
115 parking spaces, End of Trip facilities including 176 bicycle parking spaces and change / shower rooms.
Public transport capacity assessment and SIDRA intersection analysis
Our work included:
Determination of total person trips and trips by mode.
Public transport capacity assessment and SIDRA intersection analysis, Development of a Green Travel Plan for implementation.
Preparation of Construction Traffic Management Plan.
Construction Certificate and Occupation Certificate documentation, providing certification of the “for construction” plans and “as built” development against the relevant Conditions of Consent and Australian Standards.