Enfield Intermodal Logistic Centre

The Enfield ILC development has been the subject of a Major Project assessment and approvals under the previous Part 3A.  Ason Group’s ongoing responsibility on this project includes the traffic and transport modelling of both on and off-site vehicle movements and necessary analysis and detailed design works for each warehouse / industrial precinct within the Enfield ILC.

Ason Group has also prepared necessary construction certificate documents including Construction Traffic Management Plans (CTMPs), Local Area Traffic Management Plan (LATM) for this site.  The LATM objectives include detailed review of the adequacy and efficiency of the existing and future movements throughout the Estate and provision of road and infrastructure design in accordance with Australian Standards and Austroads Guidelines to improve the operations, efficiency and safety for the Estate users.  

Detailed Transport Modelling of existing and future traffic flows to support MOD 14 approval and to identify road network changes to accommodate the intermodal traffic.

Our work included

  • An assessment of parking demand forecasts and to meet the needs of the proposal.
  • Preparation of a Construction Certificate documents for the proposed warehouses on EILC.
  • Preparation of a Land-Use Development Model to assess the future operational traffic projections and assess with the approved traffic threshold monitoring process for the Estate.
  • Preparation of a Local Area Traffic Management Plan (LATM).
  • Review Cosgrove Road / Turnout Drive design standard to limit truck entry from Punchbowl Road and meet relevant Condition of Consent.

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