Client: Goodman Group
The Master Plan
Ason Group has been involved in the development assessment of numerous Goodman assets throughout the Western Sydney Employment Area (WSEA), including Oakdale Central, Oakdale South, Oakdale East and Oakdale West Industrial Estates.
In support of the Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for Oakdale West, Ason Group was tasked to prepare Construction Traffic Management Plans for construction of:
- Western North-South Link Road
- Estate Infrastructure works (bulk earthworks and estate roads)
- Built-form and on lot works for individual Lots
Oakdale West consists of 154 hectares of land, with an end value of an estimated $3 billion.
Our work included:
- Liaison with a range of stakeholders, including 3 separate Contractors undertaking the works, Penrith City Council and TfNSW.
- Assessment of construction traffic impact and development of mitigating treatments in consultation with Contractors, Council and TfNSW officers.
- Development of Traffic Guidance Schemes and Vehicle Movement Plans.
- Data capture and analysis to support ongoing monitoring requirements.
- Preparation of Construction Traffic Management Plan documentation.