Burrows Road Traffic Modelling Assessment

Ason Group has been engaged to undertake Traffic Modelling Assessment as a part of Transport Management & Accessibility Plan (TMAP) in support of the State Significant Development Application (SSDA) proposal for an industrial warehouse development at 1-3 Burrows Road, St Peters.

Traffic Modelling Assessment was prepared to address the relevant Secretary’s Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) issued by the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE).

Our work included

  • Liaison with a range of stakeholders, including City of Sydney Council, Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and TfNSW. 
  • Collate and analyse the probe data to understand existing network-wide travel times and congestion patterns as well as for model validation. 
  • Develop, calibrate and validate existing conditions Aimsun microsimulation model
  • Develop Future Base case and Project case AIMSUN models and compare the modelling outcomes. 
  • Perform SIDRA analysis on the preferred project case to identify the impact to the surrounding road network.
  • Preparation of Traffic Modelling Assessment report.

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