Our Team

Some of our team members

Jan Muller

Principal Transport Modeller

Jan is an experienced Principal Transport Planner with a proven track record of delivering creative solutions for clients in various sectors, including smart mobility, transportation, and ITS..

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With extensive experience in NSW, interstate, and overseas, Jan’s expertise covers all aspects of transportation modelling, pedestrian and precinct planning, public transport and light rail operational modelling, transport assessment, and active transport studies.

Jan has worked with clients such as Transport for NSW, Sydney Trains, Sydney Metro, and the Suburban Rail Loop Consortium in Victoria, delivering successful transport modelling projects such as the Horsley Drive upgrade, Suburban Rail Loop in Melbourne, and More Trains More Services.

Through this experience, Jan has gained a thorough understanding of the development and transport infrastructure delivery process, enabling him to make informed decisions on similar projects for both government and private clients.

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